Juovlâ lii alda
Christmas is almost here

Juovlâ lii alda

Juovlâ lii ain lamaš munjin puoh mielâsumos äigi ubâ ivveest. Mun muštâm pyereest, maht eellim äijih já ááhu kulen já sunnust lâi ain uánehis juovlâmuorâ, mast lijjii ivnááh juovlâčuovah já puoh njálgásumos suklaaheervah. Mun lam huámmášâm, ete Suomâst vielgis juovlâčuovah láá táválumoseh já toh láá kale meiddei muu mielâst muččâdeh, mutâ liijkom eenâb ivnásijn, ko must láá nuuvt šiev muštoh párnáivuođâstân. Muštâm ovtâ iijâ, ko lijjim juovlâäijih vyerdimin já lijjim aaibâs vises, ete kuullim kiälui jienâ uáđđimviste ulguupeln. Naa, kuittâg nohádim ovdilgo sun poođij. Taan muštost lam ráhtám ovtâ ráiđukove, maid kavnâvetteđ täin nettisijđoin.

Tääl lam piäivittâm sijđoi ‘koskâtälvi’-uási. Tobbeen kavnâvetteđ muštâlusâid, motomijd tiivtâid ja juovlâlaavluid šehe puđâldâsâid, maid párnááh pyehtih porgâđ juovlâluámu ääigi. Täid kavnâvetteđ sijđoi čižetpeln listoost já tast maŋa kalgâ tuše valjiđ olmâ iveääigi.

Mun halijdâm oppeet kijtteđ ulmuid, kiäh láá išedâm muu. Markku, kii lii ráhtám sijđoid já Kaisu, kii lii lasettâm uđđâ tiiŋgâid. Takkâ meiddei Petter, Ilmar já Heli, kiäh láá adelâm jurgâlusâid muu kevttimân. Takkâ meiddei tunjin lohhee, ko lah iällám tääbbin muu sijđoid keččâmin. Tuáivum, ete liijkkuuh taid! Puorijd juovlâid puohháid já luholâš uđđâ ive!

Christmas is almost here

Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year. I remember when I would go to my grandparents house and they would always have a small Christmas tree with coloured lights and best of all chocolates on the tree. I know that in Finland traditionally white lights are prefered and I agree they are very pretty but I still prefer coloured lights because of fond memories from my childhood. I remember one night waiting for Father Christmas and I was sure I could hear sleighbells outside my bedroom window. I fell asleep of course before he arrived. This is what inspired the comic strip that you will find in the stories section.

So, I have updated the midwinter section, where you can find stories, a few poems and Christmas songs as well as activities for children to do during the holidays. You will find these if you follow the menus on the left and choose the right season, ‘midwinter’.

I would just like to say thank you to everyone for helping me with these webpages Markku for making the pages, Kaisu for updating them for me, Ilmari Mattus, Heli and Petter (for the translations) and thank you reader for taking the time to look at these pages I hope you like them and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.