Tälvi – Winter




Tälvi lii hirmâd mučis iveäigi. Piäiváš lii viijmâg koccám kuhes tälvinahhaar maŋa. Jyehi peeivi tot kuárŋu váhá aleláá já aleláá. Skammâäigi lii mučis äigi, mutâ piäivâš lii ain tiervâpuáttám. Taan ääigi sáttá motomin vala leđe puolâš, veikkâ piäiváš lii maccâm. Lii pyeri kárvudâttâđ lieggâ tälvipihtâsáid. Tälvipihtâseh, nuuvtko kammuuh já kapereh, láá rahtum poccuutyeljist já toh láá hirmâd lieggâseh. Poccuu soksâmeh láá vuovdân tego juuhâmpoccee. Soksâmeh tuálih lieggâ ááimu sistees já ton vievâst puásui pállá pyereest. Muu enni iätá, ete siämmáá suujâst kuávská porfâgit puzâidis sälttipuolâšin, ko lieggâ áimu páácá puzzâlovduu siisâ já syeijee puolâšist. Enni iätá ete tot sulâstit tom ko sun taallâst muu lovduu tälviehidijn, ko olgon lii koolmâs.
Poccuuh ferttejeh kuáivuđ kossâ muottust jáhálijd já eres purrâmušâid. Motomin puásuialmaah ferttejeh piemmâđ poccuid. Sij tuálvuh moottorkiälháin poccui purrâmâššân suoinijd, moh láá nijttum kesiääigi. Tälviv, ko olgon lii puolâš, lii suotâs leđe siste, luuhâđ teikká tuoijuđ. Muotâ lii ain ennuv ja talle ko iä lah sälttipuolâšeh, te lii hitruu sierâdiđ olgon stuorrâ muotâčuumâi alne, maid avramautoh láá čokkim. Talle ko piäiváš páštá váhá lieggâsubbooht, te mij moonnâp čuoigâđ teikkâ luistâliđ. Távjá kuovskâst já iho lii čuovâdâs já motomin sáttá uáiniđ tääsniluččim.



Winter is a very pretty time of year. The sun finally wakes after its long winter sleep. Everyday it gets a little higher in the sky. The dark time is very pretty but the sun is always welcome. It can still be very cold sometimes even though the sun has returned (from its winter sleep below the horizon). Its good to wear winter clothes. Winter clothes such as boots and hats are made from reindeer skin, they are very warm. The reindeer hair is hollow like a drinking straw. This helps trap the air and keep the reindeer warm. Mum says that is why the Siberian Jay often puffs itself up against the cold, it traps the wind in its feathers and this protects it from the cold. Mum says it is similar to when she fluffs up my duvet before I go to sleep in the winter, when it is cold outside.
The reindeer have to dig with their hooves in the deep snow to get to the lichen, which grows on the ground. Sometimes the reindeer herders have to feed the reindeer. They travel around on snowmobiles and drop off hay that has been collected in the summer, for the reindeer to eat. During winter when the weather is cold it is nice to make crafts indoors or read. There is always lots of snow and it is fun to play on the big snow mountains made by the snow ploughs clearing snow from the side of the road. The sun gets higher in the sky and the weather gets warmer and we sometimes go skiing or even ice skating if it isn’t too cold. We still have northern lights and the nights are very clear and sometimes there are shooting stars.