Luáppijááh 12th Night

Snowmen  Muotâäijiheh

Snowmen Muotâäijiheh

Njuámmil Arctic hare

Arctic hare Njuámmil

Magareh lijjii luáppijááh? Olgon sälttipuolâšeh, šiev purrâmuš já eellim siste lieggâsist. Olgon jurbâ já hurváás njuámmil siemânijd purâmin já muotâäihijviehâ. Luuvâ ovdâskulij (eŋgâlâskielân)….

We went to the Hotel for a meal in the evening. It is always quite sad to think that the Christmas decorations are supposed to come down after 12th Night. The temperature was very low -36C. The restaurant had a nice warm fire going and guests were happily enjoying a meal or sitting around the fire talking and drinking. Kaisu finally had a few days off after the hectic Christmas festivities. We sat and had a meal and then we noticed through the window an Arctic Hare hopping around in the snow. The Hare sat beneath the bird table eating the seeds that had dropped from the bird table, not at all bothered by the freezing temperature. The guest got very excited at the sight of the Arctic hare and someone exclaimed “Bunny” which was funny. Watch a video of the “Bunny” here!

Read here about the 12th Night!

From the window we also saw the snowmen that some previous guests had made. They made six or seven snowmen and had a great time making them. The snowmen will probably remain until the spring when they will of course melt away. This reminds me of the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons of snowmen, by Bill Watterson.