Koskâtälvi – Midwinter



midwinter_introductionPyereh juovlah!

Juovlâi äigi lii puoh pyeremus äigi ivveest! Juovlâi ääigi lii skammâ, sevŋis äigi kuás piäiváš ij oinuu já mii pištá suullân mánuppaje. Skammâ lii muččâd ko lii muáttám, tondiet ko čuovâ šiälgu muottust já ubâ eennâm čuávjáá tâi ruápsáá. Juovlâi ääigi lii táválávt jo tuárvi muotâ, vâi puáhtá rähtiđ muotâäijih teikkâ moonnâđ čierâstâllâđ rieváin. Olgon puáhtá sierâdiđ kuhháá-uv, jis kárvudât lieggâ pihtâsijd.

Skammâ lii sijvuus äigi, peic talle ko juovlah aldaneh já taid ferttee älgiđ vyerdiđ. Enni iätá, et juovláid valmâštâlmist šaddeh ain ennuv korrâ pargoh. Eeči iätá, et sun lii luámust já mielâstubbooht vuoiŋâstičij ko čurgiiččij táálu. Sun tuáivu, et ličij oppeet páárnáš, tondiet ko juovlah lijjii hitruubeh párnážin.

Pyereh juovlah tunjin! Mun tuáivum, et tun finniih maidnii skeŋkkân jieijâd juovlâlistoost!

Tuu ustev Saammâl





Merry Christmas!

Or Pyereh juovlah, as we say in the Inari Saami language. Christmas has always been my favourite time of year! Christmas comes at the time of year known as Kaamos, the dark time, when the sun won’t be seen for a month or so. It’s very pretty once the snow arrives, because it reflects a lot of light and everything becomes blue or pink. By now there is usually enough snow to make a snowman and to have fun sledging. Also you can play outside for a long time, if you wear warm winter clothes.

It is a quiet sleepy time of year, until close to Christmas when the excitement starts. Mum says that Christmas brings a lot of hard work with preparations. Dad says he is on holiday and would rather be having a lie in instead of cleaning the house, and wishes he was a child again because Christmas was much more fun then.

So I wish you “Pyereh juovlah!” and hope you get some of the things on your Christmas list!

Your friend Sammeli