Algâtälvi – Early Winter




Algâtälvi lii pygálusâi äigi. Puásuialmaah čuákkejeh poccuid meeccist oovtâ sajan. Taan ääigi ivveest poccuuh láá puoh puáidáhumoseh. Pygálusâi maŋa mij rähtip kumppâsijd já vorrâmaarfijd. Tääl lii jo huáppu eelliđ vala kuáláástmin ovdil jo jävrridoh jiäŋŋuh. Tovle taat lâi eromâš tehálâš, ko koolgâi rahttâttâđ täälvi várás, koddeđ já salttiđ kuolijd já meeinijd. Tááláá ääigi mij pyehtip eelliđ käävpist purrâmuš uástimin, mutâ ain lii pyeri leđe poccuupiärgu já myerjih ubâ täälvi čoodâ. Kesilodeh láá iänááš varrim jo máádás já lieggâsub enâmáid. Kuobžah já eres elleeh-uv láá rahttâttâm jieijâs tälvinaharij várás.


Early Winter

Early winter is the time for the reindeer roundups. The reindeer herders gather all the reindeer together from the forest. This is the time of year when reindeer are at their fattest. After the roundups we make reindeer blood pudding and sausages. Also this is the last chance for net fishing before the shores start to freeze. This was especially important in the old days because people needed to prepare enough food to see them through the winter. So this would be a final chance to get whitefish and roe and salt it. Nowadays we can just go to the supermarket but it is always nice to be able to have reindeer meat and fish and blueberry juice through the year. Most birds have already left for the winter to warmer countries in the south and the bear and other animals have prepared for their long winter sleep.