Kiđđâtälvi – Spring Winter




Taan ääigi ivveest piäiváš lii peiviv ollâgâsâst almeest já láá šiev cuáŋuisiijvoh. Tääl lii viehâ vaigâdis äigi uccâ ellein, moh kačâdeh muottuu alne. Toh láá älkkees saalâs piätuluddijd. Tälviv säpligeh eelih eennâm vyelni ko tobbeen lii lieggâsub eelliđ. Ko láá cuoŋŋuuh, te ij lah älkkee kavnâđ vuágurääigi já peessâđ patarâsân ijjâloddeest teikkâ piehânjist. Nube tááhust taathân lii pyeri piätuluddijd, já kiđđuv šaddeh ennuv uđâgááh. Eres elleeh, tegu kuobžah, koccáásteleh tälvinaharijn. Juuhâ lii lamaš enâmustáá jiäŋŋum čoođâ täälvi, mutâ tääl piäiváš suddâdškuát juuvâid já kesilodeh, njuuvčah já čuánnjááh puáđiškyeteh mäddin. Taan iveääigi láá ennuv puohlágáneh homáh. Ergikunâgâskištoin uáiná kiäst lii puoh jotelumos ergi. Taažâpeln láá pessijâšjuhleh. Piivâld mutâ olgon lii vala tuárvi ennuv muotâ čuoigâm, kiälhástâllâm já uággum várás. Koškepiärgu še lii forgâ vaalmâš!




Spring Winter


At this time of the year the sun is high in the sky in the daytime and the snow can be quite hard on the top. This means that sometimes the little animals that run on the snow are easy for hawks and owls to catch. Voles and lemmings and other small animals live under the ground where it is warmer. When the snow is hard and they can’t find holes to escape from predators. This is bad for the animals that live under the snow but good for owls and hawks which can have a lot of babies. Other animals like the bear start to wake up from their winter hibernation. The sun is melting the river that has been mostly frozen over the winter time and the swans and geese and other birds start to return from warmer countries in the south. There is lots to see and do at this time of the year. The reindeer races are held to see who has the fastest reindeer. Easter festivals take place also. The weather satrts to warm up but there is still lots of snow so it is a good time for skiing, snowmobiling and ice fishing. Reindeer meat that has been hanging on the roof is also soon dry and ready!