Loppâkeesi – Late Summer




Must lii lamaš suotâs keesi. Piäiváš lii páštám peiviv já iho já mun lam uážžum sierâdiđ olgon kuhheeb ääigi. Tääl láá kuittâg iijah jo siävŋánškuáttám já lii älkkeeb nohádiđ ehidist. Tääl puáhtá vala elliđ vuojâmin jis lii lieggâ šoŋŋâ. Jis piäggá, te lii hitruu kirdettiđ soddâs. Jyehi ive mij nuurrâp muorjijd já enni ráhtá sääpi já njuvdâs. Luámáneh láá uáli njálgáh pánnukáhuiguin! Juuŋâin puáhtá vuoššâđ šiev sääpi já soorijn šaddeh šiev liäibumušah. Loppâkeesist mij meiddei nijttep kamuvsuoinijd täälvi várás. Poccuuh láá finnim porgesoksâmijd já tääl enni kuáru mijjân juhlekammuid. Tälviv mij pieijâp suoinijd soovsâkammui siisâ, ige talle taarbâš suhhâidgin ko jyelgih pisoh lieggâsin. Meeccist láá meiddei ennuv kuobbâreh, maid sehe ulmuuh já poccuuh lijkkojeh puurrâđ. Loppâkeesi ääigi juuvâ riddoost láá ennuv kuálásteijeeh uđđâ uštuidis keččâlmin. Tyelli tälli tuáppee stuorrâ kuávžur. Jis tot lii jo puáris kuávžur, ađai kuáijim, tast lii kuákkikäibi.

Tuu ustev Saammâl




Late Summer


The summer has been fun because the sun has been in the sky all summer all night long and I can stay outside to play for longer.  Finally the nights get to be darker and it’s easier to fall asleep in the evening. Sometimes we go swimming if the weather is warm. It is nice to fly a kite if it is windy. Every year we collect berries to make into cordial and jam, cloudberries are nice with pancakes. Lingonberries are good for juice and blueberries make good pies. In the summer time we collect the shoe hay ready for the winter. The reindeer start to get a nice new coat which is good for making posh reindeer boots for special occasions. The hay is put into reindeer boots and helps to keep our feet warm when the cold weather returns. There are lots of mushrooms to gather at this time of year that people and reindeer like to eat. Late summer is also a good time for fly fishing. Often fishermen like to gather on river Juutua and try out the new flies they have made. Sometimes the fishermen catch big trout. You can tell how old a trout might be because the big trout have big hooks on the end of their jaws as they get older.

Your friend Sammeli